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eBooks: Finding eBooks

This guide is designed to provide information on eBooks from finding them to technical requirements for reading them.

Looking for an eBook?

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What is an eBook?

An eBook is a book made available in digital form and designed to be read using special e-book software, some of which preserve the book’s original layout and design. ebooks can be read on a variety of PCs (desktops, notebooks, tablets, and handhelds), PDAs, and dedicated e-book readers using specially designed e-book software. (Source: Credo Reference)

Reading eBooks

The interface for reading an eBook will depend on a number of factors, including the device on which you are reading, the type of material you are reading, and the way in which the eBook publisher or vendor allows you to view the book. Options to read eBooks include:

  • desktops and laptops
  • eReaders (NOOK, Kindle, Sony Reader, etc.)
  • PDF formatting
  • eBook applications for smartphones and tablets

eBooks available through Books & More come in a range of interfaces, depending on the publisher or vendor. See eBook Collections for more information.

Common eBook formats

Format Description
Adobe Digital Editions - Adobe Digital Editions is a DRM (digital rights management) version of PDF. Many eBook collections use this version of PDF to protect the copyright of the data. It is supported by specific apps in Android and iOS. It is also supported by Mac and Windows operating systems.
EPUB - EPUB is supported by Android, iOS, Sony Reader, and Windows devices. It is also supported by Mac, Linux and Windows operating systems.
HTML - eBooks available in a basic HTML format can be read by any web browser.
MOBI - MOBI is supported by Amazon devices and the Kindle app, available on Android and iOS.  It is also supported by Mac, Linux, and Windows operating systems.
PDF - eBooks can be available as PDF files.  PDF eBooks are supported by all eBook devices using any of the PDF reader apps.

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