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Evaluating Resources: Sources of Information

Too Good To Be True?

If it's on the Internet, it's true. Not necessarily...

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If it's in a Newspaper, it's true. Not necessarily...

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Where Did You Find It?


  Library Catalog
         Contains books (e and paper) and other items that librarians select based on researchers and curricula needs.


  Library Selected Research Databases
        Some databases are for or contain popular and/or trade literature.   These publications may or may not be appropriate for your topic or your assignment.


  Google Scholar
        Does not consider the quality of the journal for inclusion. No clearly defined list of journals included or the dates covered.  Subject coverage may vary. Be sure to configure it so you can access CMU licensed material.


 Google Books
       Can search within the text of books which retrieves lots of material, can find really specific topics
       Can search within the text of books which retrieves lots of material that may or may not be relevant


         Those at the end of relevant journal articles, books, dissertations can be a great way to find additional information.        
    Watch date of publication-may be missing current materials if the bibliography is too dated.  Older bibliographies, however, may be good for finding materials that may be considered primary sources


 Google Search
           So much stuff!  May have to weed through a lot to find the good material!  Need to evaluate each selected item on a case by case basis.

If it's in print, it's true. Not necessarily...

History Librarian

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Charlotte Kiger Price
Hunt Library 109E
Pittsburgh, PA