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KiltHub Repository: Repository Policies

Collection Development Policy

Open Access

KiltHub is an open access repository, meaning that anyone with an Internet connection can access and download the material at no cost.  All bibliographic metadata in KiltHub is available open access.  Open access to full-text work deposited in KiltHub can, if necessary, be delayed (embargoed) for six months, one year, two years, or five years or a specific term mandated by the publisher of the work.  Full-text work not intended to be available open access eventually should not be deposited in the repository


Affiliation with Carnegie Mellon 

Any original work by a CMU community member is eligible for inclusion in KiltHub.  At least one author should be affiliated with Carnegie Mellon, except in the case of hosted journals and conference proceedings, in which case the supporting organization holds CMU affiliation.  Work created by a current CMU affiliate while affiliated with another institution may also be included.


Works Created at Carnegie Mellon

KiltHub collects bibliographic metadata and provides a link to the publisher record of the work (if applicable) for:

  • Original work published or created by CMU faculty and graduate students, including but not limited to journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, presentations, technical reports, white papers, theses and dissertations.  
  • Selected undergraduate student honors theses and capstone projects.

Whenever possible, the repository collects the full text described in the metadata and is available for download.  For full text to be deposited in KiltHub:

  • The author must be the copyright owner or have retained the rights necessary to grant Carnegie Mellon University the right to preserve and provide open access to the material.  The University encourages authors to deposit their work in KiltHub and, if they own the copyright to their work, to license reuse rights using a Creative Commons license. 
  • Deposits of published articles must comply with publisher policy regarding the version deposited and the embargo on open access.  Authors can search publisher policies in the SHERPA RoMEO database.

  • Deposits of master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and undergraduate student honors theses and capstone projects must be sponsored and vetted by CMU faculty.

Revision and Withdrawal Policy

KiltHub is intended to provide permanent access to and preservation of content deposited in the repository.  Authors depositing content in the repository are responsible for the accuracy of their work and management of the copyrights to their work. 



If an author finds that a deposited work contains errors, they can submit a corrected PDF to the repository manager to replace the erroneous version.  If a document is revised into a new work, for example, a technical report revised into a journal article, it should be submitted to the repository as a new item.



Full-text work may be removed from the repository for a compelling reason.  Compelling reasons include, but are not limited to, violations of copyright or publisher policy, research misconduct (plagiarism, fabrication or falsification of data), legal requirements, and national security.  When a work is withdrawn, it is removed from public view, but the bibliographic metadata remains in the repository.  A statement of withdrawal is added to the Comment field in the metadata.

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