The library offers access to a number of commercial products that aim to facilitate the discovery and use of data from public and private sources.
Market, industry, company, and demographic statistics, data-centered reports and dossiers, fully downloadable, various formats, international, easy-to-use.
Includes access to the Consumer Insights (formerly Global Consumer Survey, a resource that offers global consumption and media usage data of consumers. A great market research tool for consumer behavior and interactions with brands. Select the Insights > Explore Consumer Insights within Statista.
Interdisciplinary datasets with mapping, graphing, and report-generating capability. Includes tons of datasets for business, industry, labor, energy, population, income, health, politics, and more.
Consumer demographics database within Sage Data (formerly DataPlanet) - select it from "Browse by Subject" on left, then choose the latest "EASI Market Planner." Has Consumer Expenditures, Behavior, Spending Analytics, Media Use and more - all with geographical breakdowns.
Visual and numerical presentation of U.S. census data and a wide range of demographic information, 1790 – present. Creates maps and reports at levels from national to block group.
A U.S. national data and mapping tool and analytics platform with multidisciplinary applications. Useful for social sciences, urban studies, real estate and housing analysis, community and economic development, public administration, public health, policy and political science, education, business, economics, statistics, and geography, among others. Includes thousands of U.S. data indicators for demographic and socioeconomic analysis, from a neighborhood census block group in many cases, up to a national level.
Data and statistics are gathered and disseminated by many organizations, federal agencies, individual researchers, companies and more, often making it difficult to find just the data or statistic you need. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you embark on a search for data and statistics:
While the terms data and statistics are often used interchangeably, they actually aren't the same! Data refers to the raw information that is collected and if often in the form of a spreadsheet, where each row represents one case. Statistics are summaries of data, often provided as a percentage, proportion, or average value. Do you need raw data or a summary statistic to answer your question?
Think about what time frame and geography you're interested in. Do you need historical information, or information spanning several years? Or just the most current information? Do you want information at a country, state or local level? Do you need international, non-US data or statistics?
Think about who would likely collect the data and disseminate the data or statistics for you topic. Would this data be collected by a large federal agency in a nationwide survey? If so, which agency? Or would it be more likely collected by a non-profit organization at a local scale?
There are many places to look for data. Here is a series of search strategies to try. You'll find links to many of these sources in this research guide.
RAND State Statistics includes a collection of more than 200 socioeconomic databases that cover all 50 U.S. states. Databases contain an average of 20 years of data and cover topics including Births, Medicare, Median Household Income, Population by Multi-race/Ethnicity and Age Group, and Local Government Finances.
Visual and numerical presentation of U.S. census data and a wide range of demographic information, 1790 – present. Creates maps and reports at levels from national to block group.