Industry market research reports with analysis, data, conditions, segmentation, market share, primary companies, and outlook in the US, UK, China, US States, and globally.
Industry Wizard Tool: Located under "Expert Tools" allows users to quickly search, query, and save industry ratios, data, and statistics from all IBISWorld reports for benchmarking purposes, strategies, etc. Data is downloadable.
Market, industry, company, and demographic statistics, data-centered reports and dossiers, fully downloadable, various formats, international, easy-to-use.
Includes access to the Consumer Insights (formerly Global Consumer Survey, a resource that offers global consumption and media usage data of consumers. A great market research tool for consumer behavior and interactions with brands. Select the Insights > Explore Consumer Insights within Statista.
Popular market and consumer insights resource that collects primary research on several traditional and specialized industries from various geographic perspectives including: Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, UK and US. Mintel produces data, info, and analysis in a report type of structure.
Academic and industry periodicals in all business disciplines. Also industry, company, and country reports.
In-depth financial/valuation data resource, including information on equities, credit ratings, transactions, and more. Use hundreds of data points to generate lists of companies, markets, executives. Includes an Excel plug-in for data analysis. Create an account using your CMU email address by following these directions. Capital IQ is available only for users on the Pittsburgh campus.
A comprehensive global database of private companies and investors activities. Contains advanced searches for private companies, investors, and deals information (especially private equity and venture capital). Also great for news on emerging markets. An excellent resource for startups and entrepreneurship research. (NOTE: You must create an account using your CMU email).
US private company financials, information on private M&A deals, valuations, venture capital, private equity, etc. Over 800,000 US private companies profiled. Good for locating investors and competitive intelligence. NOTE: You must create an account using your CMU email. Use of this database is for academic purposes only.
Various modules: US and Canadian company directories, new business filings, consumer lifestyles, and more, with data visualization and mapping. Good for both public and private company info.