contains scholarly research: articles, theses, books, and unpublished papers from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. To get access to our subscriptions, go to "Settings, (at the top)" then "Library Links" (at left) - enter Carnegie Mellon in the search box, check the box appearing below, and Save.
12 journal titles published by INFORMS, the professional association for operations research and management science.
Research databases contain thousands of journal articles - these are the best for management research. Difference from Google Scholar? They offer specialized searching capabilities.
Academic and industry periodicals in all business disciplines. Also industry, company, and country reports.
Academic research about a variety of topics with particular focus in business and management issues. Contents include journals, books and case studies.
Articles in important academic journals from all disciplines (latest few years not available); also eBooks from leading academic publishers, as well as some images.
Helps design research projects, identify methods, conduct research, and write up findings. Basic source for research methods in all fields.
CMU's Center for Behavioral and Decision Research sponsors a university membership to CARMA (the Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis). CARMA provides webinars from leading industry methodologists in the social and organizational sciences. To access their content, go to CARMA and create a free account using your email address.
Scholarly "handbooks" collect literature reviews, seminal research, or new approaches.
Provides access to over 3,000 business cases spanning a wide range of business disciplines from leadership to entrepreneurship, to family business and social impact. The platform provides select access to cases (click "content available to me"), a user-friendly platform, and downloading cases. Sage has partnered with 20 business case producers, including Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern), Berkeley Haas (California), and the School of Management (Yale).