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CMU-Qatar Library: A Quick Overview

Welcome to CMU-Qatar Library Guides: Here you will find some suggested resources for each of the four undergraduate degrees offered at CMU-Q.

Biological Sciences is one of the four majors offered at CMU-Q.

This guide presents a compilation of some resources that can be used by students and researchers in Biological Sciences.

Alternatively, you can check our main campus research guide for Biological Sciences.

If you have any questions or need support with your research activities, do not hesitate to email us.

Research Databases Available Through CMU Libraries

As a member of CMU-Q community, use your Andrew ID and password to access our online resources remotely.

If you have problems logging in, please check our quick troubleshooting tips, report a problem using this form, or email CMU-Q Library.

Freely Available Databases and Repositories

PubMed is a publicly available database for life science and biomedical citations and full-text articles. It is maintained by the United States National Library of Medicine. is a peer-reviewed open access online publishing platform from Hamad bin Khalifa University Press (HBKU Press).

KiltHub is a comprehensive institutional repository for Carnegie Mellon University. It curates, collects, preserves, and provides open access CMU research outputs.

The Public Library of Science (PLoS) publishes top-ranked open access journals in life and health sciences, including PloS OnePloS BiologyPLoS Computational Biology, and PLoS Pathogens. These journals and their articles are completely free to read on the open web.

Examples of Specialized Journals

Nature Cell Biology

Advanced Genetics

Nature Chemical Biology

Advances in Bioinformatics

Nature Genetics

Find other specialized journal in Biological Sciences by browsing our library catalog under the category Health and Biological Sciences.