Many of the subject specific research guides created by the reference librarians will include encyclopedias that can be of help to you and your research. And of course you can always Ask a Librarian if you need any additional help.
We still have encyclopedias that may only be available in print. You can search for these and other online encyclopedias in our library catalog. Use the Advanced Search and combine your topic with the term encyclopedias. For example:
encyclopedias and metals
encyclopedias and architecture
encyclopedias and psychology
The McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology on the web, provides full access to articles, dictionary terms, and hundreds of research updates in all areas of science and technology.
Search or browse resources on the American government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for the social sciences. Database Guide.
Articles focus on functional phenomena, structural phenomena, fundamental core theory, structural materials, polymers and materials chemistry, functional materials.
Describes the branches of medicine and how technology assists each of them concentrating on what is currently useful or is likely to be useful in future.
Research articles on polymers, plastics, fibers, biomaterials, elastomers, and polymerization processes.
Descriptions of chemical substances, including their properties, manufacturing, and uses fundamental to industrial processes and unit operations in chemical engineering.
Overviews of all economic topics by eminent economists - a classic source.
An illustrated, encyclopedic work containing 45,000 articles with bibliographies, written by more than 6,800 international scholars on all aspects of the visual arts from prehistory to the present day.
Includes The New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians (2001), The New Grove Dictionary of Opera (1992), The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (2002), The Oxford Companion to Music (2002) and The Oxford Dictionary of Music (2006).
Over 100 language and subject dictionaries and reference works.
Content includes reference works, books, professional development titles and more. Search and browse over 10,000 items, video, book and reference titles within the Social Sciences.
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