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Reference Shelf: Biography

  Full Text Databases

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  Print Resources

All reference areas have print resources for biographical information. You can also Ask A Librarian and the reference librarians will be happy to help you.

American National Biography.  24 vols + supps.
HUNT REF-1 CT213 .A68 1999

Notable Scientists from 1900 to the Present. 5 vols
E&S LIBRARY STACKS Q141 .N728 2001

To find biographical materials in the library catalog, use the Advanced Search and on the words or phrase line type biography and the person or group of people for whom you need biographical information. For example:
   biography and historians
   biography and architects
   biography and obama


Online Resources for Biographical Information

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Other Reference Service Points

Hunt Library-Fourth Floor
Arts Reference  

Engineering & Science Library
Wean Hall-Fourth floor
Science and Engineering Reference  

Mellon Institute Library
Mellon Institute

Science and Engineering Reference  

University Archives
Hunt Library-Second Floor
University Archives