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CMUThink NYC: "Our Social Selves" October 11, 2017

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Julie Downs, Associate Professor, Social and Decision Sciences, Dietrich College

Topic:  Privacy & Safety for Teens Online




Pedro Ferreira, Assistant Professor, Heinz College, School of Information Systems and Management

Topic:  How People Use Technology to Influence Others to Consume Experience Goods; Using Big Data to Understand the Future of the Media Industry


Charlie White, Regina and Marlin Miller Head of School and Professor of Art, School of Art, College of Fine Arts

Topic:  Photography and online image exchange

Privacy & Safety for Teens Online

For additional reading and resources on the topic to be discussed by Julie Downs, see some of the links and resources below.

Other Links, Tools and Resources

Pew Research Center does surveys and collects data on many topics related to the internet and behavior. Check out their reports Teens, Social Media and Privacy and Parents, Teens and Digital Monitoring.


EPIC is a public interest research center focusing on "emerging privacy and civil liberties issues..., freedom of expression, and democratic values in the information age"

First Monday is a peer-reviewed journal with research about the internet. All of its content is freely available online.


Related Videos

Danah Boyd, social media researcher, speaks on teen privacy in an information age.

Research @ CMU



The Center for Behavioral and Decision Research (CBDR) is an interdisciplinary research center at Carnegie Mellon University that brings together scholars from behavioral economics, psychology, organizational behavior, marketing, and public policy.  The group meets to engage in a vigorous exchange of ideas with speakers from around the globe in weekly seminars and performs cutting-edge interdisciplinary research.



Carnegie Mellon CyLab is a bold and visionary effort, which establishes public-private partnerships to develop new technologies for measurable, secure, available, trustworthy, and sustainable computing and communications systems. CyLab is a world leader in both technological research and the education of professionals in information assurance, security technology, business and policy, as well as security awareness among cybercitizens of all ages.

Liaison to Social & Decision Sciences

Profile Photo
Sarah Young
Hunt Library, Rm 109G

How People Use Technology to Influence Others to Consume Experience Goods

Using Big Data to Understand the Future of the Media Industry

For additional reading and resources on the topics to be discussed by Pedro Ferreira, see some of the links and resources below.

Research Centers/Networks and Their Publications

iLab at Carnegie Mellon's Heinz College is an inter-disciplinary research center consisting of faculty and students from the Heinz College, the Department of Statistics, the Department of Machine Learning, the School of Computer Science and the Tepper School of Business.  It is designed to: facilitate problem-driven inter-disciplinary research on IT management and policy problems; enable innovative multi-dimensional collaborations between iLab faculty, students and organizational partners; incubate entrepreneurial culture by encouraging the creation of intellectual property by faculty and students; and serve as channel to create and distribute educational and research products of the school.

Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC) is a new joint research initiative between Singapore Management University (SMU) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).  It is a pioneering effort to create ways of understanding consumer and social behavior by combining advances in computing, social science and management.




INFORMS is the leading international association for Operations Research & Analytics Professionals.  It promotes best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes through an array of highly-cited publications, conferences, competitions, networking communities, and professional development services.

Related Videos

How to predict the future with big data | Thomas Nørmark | TEDxVennelystBlvd

In his talk Thomas Nørmark introduces us into the secret mechanisms of future predictions. This has nothing to do with fortune telling but patterns in big data.

How Big Data Will Shape Our Future | Rym Benchaar | TEDxConcordia

In a world more connected than ever, companies such as Google and Netflix have access to a massive pool of data that captures consumer behavior patterns through their devices. Marketers have been able to tap into this aggregated information and leverage it for product and service personalization, all with the ultimate objective of driving more revenue.  Rym Benchaar, data-driven marketer and visionary, demystifies everything related to Big Data, but also talks about how it can be used for the greater good of humanity while aiming to break barriers on privacy concerns.



CMUThink Webinar: Big Data and the Future of Entertainment

Presented by Michael D. Smith, Professor of Information Systems and Marketing, Heinz College, and Rahul Telang, Professor of Information Systems and Management, Heinz College.  Professor Smith and Telang discuss how the success of House of Cards upended the film and TV industries, how companies like Amazon and Apple are changing the rules in other entertainment industries and how major studios, record labels and publishers can respond.

Liaison, Cybersecurity & Information Systems

Profile Photo
Jill Chisnell
413 Hunt Library
Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
4909 Frew Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
(412) 268-6330
Subjects: Architecture, Art, Design

Photography and Online Image Exchange

For additional reading and resources on topics related to Charlie White's CMUThink talk and his photography see some of the links and resources below.

Books @ CMU Libraries on Charlie White's Photography

Dorothea Strauss and Christoph Doswald, eds. Charlie White: American Minor.  Zürich : New York: Codax Publisher, 2009.

Sally O'Reilly, Benjamin Weissman and Charlie White. Monsters. Brooklyn, NY: Powerhouse Books, 2007.

Ronald Jones and Charlie White. Charlie White. Frankfurt : London: Goliath, 2002.

Further Reading

Lars Bang Larsen. Networks. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2014.
Description and Table of Contents

Martin Lister, ed. The Photographic Image in Digital Culture. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2013. 2nd edition.
Table of Contents


Adam B. Bell and Charles Traub,eds. Vision Anew: The Lens and Screen Arts. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2015.
Description and Table of Contents

Liz Wells, ed. The Photography Reader. London; New York: Routledge, 2010, 2003.
A comprehensive history on photography theory from its beginnings to the present. A second edition is due in 2017.

Guy Debord. Society of the Spectacle (trans. Société du Spectacle) Detroit, Michigan : Black & Red, 2010, 1983
A classic theoretical text on the birth of mass media and representation in society.
Table of Contents

Research Centers/Networks and Their Publications

Aperture Foundation

A multi-platform foundation and center for the photo community. Based in New York City, the foundation publishes Aperture magazine, books and other publications.


Ars Electronica
A  platform based in Linz, Austria for exploring art, technology and society through exhibitions, the Ars Electronica Festival, the Prix Ars Electronica Competition, and Futurelab for research and development.

The Image Research Network
A platform for exploring "the nature and function of image making and images" within a broad range of disciplines. It holds the annual International Conference of the Image and publishes The International Journal of the Image.


International Center of Photography

A center, museum and publisher for the exploration of photography and visual culture.

A non-profit organization and virtual community for networking, resource-sharing, and best practices supporting research on the intersection of art, science and technology.  MIT Press publications include Leonardo, Leonardo Music Journal, Leonardo Electronic Almanac,  the Leonardo Book Series, and ARTECA.

Neural:New Media Art

A journal of new media art, electronic music and hacktivism. Neural was a co-founder of the Media Action Grassroots Network (MAG-Net) an organization in support of media justice.


The Visual Studies Workshop
is a non-profit media arts center in Rochester, New York. It publishes Afterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism and Afterimage Online.


The ZKM Center for Art and Media Kahrlsrue
A cultural institution and experimental platform for exploring technology and social structures in science, art, politics and finance.

Art and Drama Librarian

Hunt Library Room 410
Subjects:  Art, Drama, Environment