Write a Data Management Plan | |
Define Roles & Responsibilities | |
Onboard project members | |
Choose documentation standards |
Choose file naming conventions | |
Organize your folders/files hierarchically | |
Use version control | |
Create README files |
Use an electronic notebook | |
Use collaborative file sharing | |
Keep a copy of your raw data | |
Validate, clean and tidy data |
Determine data ownership | |
Evaluate data retention | |
Anonymize sensitive data | |
Curate & archive your data |
Determine data types & size | |
Store your data: 3-2-1 rule | |
Evaluate data security level | |
Manage paper & physical samples |
Get an ORCiD ID | |
Share with collaborators | |
Publish data in a repository | |
Link to reagents & protocols (SI) |
Apply creative commons license | |
Transfer access & knowledge | |
Evaluate data for reproducibility |