If you're looking for scholarly studies of Russian history, literature or culture, start with the CMU library catalog, PittCat and the databases listed below.
Many primary sources on Russian literature and culture can be found at websites such as these:
Allows access to all our currently-subscribed East View resources. This database provides full text in-depth information from Russia, Ukraine, and the former Soviet Union along with some from China, Mexico, and East Africa. Resources include newspapers, newswires, popular and scholarly periodicals, and government documents. Also includes Links to publications in English and Russian. Includes transliteration feature.
Sources include:
Bibliography of Russian Newspapers (ten bibliographic indexes to 19th century Russian periodicals)
Current Digest of the Russian Press (selection of Russian-language press materials translated into English)
Gudok Digital Archive
Illiustrirovannaia Rossiia 1924-1939 (A literary and illustrated weekly magazine published in Paris. The journal was aimed mainly at the growing community of Russian immigrants who had left Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution. )
Iskusstvo Kino Digital Archive (Leading journal of Russian cinema critics. Publishes reviews of contemporary Russian and foreign movies, articles on history and theory of Russian and world cinema, as well as general essays on Russian culture and arts)
Jiefangjun Bao (解放军报 or PLA Daily) Digital Archive (Official newspaper of the People's Liberation Army, the main military publication of the People's Republic of China)
Judaica Digital Collections (Eight collections from the State Archives of Kyiv Oblast', spanning the mid-19th and early 20th centuries)
Krokodil Digital Archive (Published from 1922 to 2008, popular humorous and satirical magazine)
Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers (Chinese life, culture, and politics through the collapse of the Qing dynasty up until the birth of the People's Republic)
Literaturnaia Gazeta Digital Archive (Landmark publication on literary and intellectual life in Soviet Russia)
Moscow News Digital Archive (Published 1930-2014. Oldest English-language newspaper in Russia)
Ogonek Digital Archive (Огонёк was one of the oldest weekly magazines in Russia, having been in continuous publication since 1923.)
Post-Perestroika Newspapers Digital Archive
Pravda Digital Archive (Full digital archive of Правда, the official newspaper of Soviet Communism)
Pravda Ukrainy Digital Archive (Est. in 1938 in Kyiv, originally Sovetskaia Ukraina, Pravda Ukrainy was a russian-language Soviet Ukrainian daily, serving as the official newspaper of the Communist Party)
Sovetskaia Kul'tura Digital Archive (One of the most important Soviet and Russian publications on culture from 1929 to the present)
Soviet Anti-Religious Propaganda (Comprised of 281 books)
While these databases are more general and interdisciplinary, they will be likely to have pertinent information on Russian and Slavic studies
Articles in important academic journals from all disciplines (latest few years not available); also eBooks from leading academic publishers, as well as some images.
Citations to critical research of language, literature, and folklore for all periods beginning with the Middle Ages.
Current humanities and social science journals from a variety of university presses.