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18-701/18-702: Technical Writing for Engineers: Citation Management with Zotero

Zotero for Citation Mangement

Zotero is a citation manager that allows you to keep track and organize information as you find it, share it with team members, and then write a bibliography with a single click. It saves a lot of time! This tool will be very useful for your team projects in this class as well as all of your future projects, papers, and research at CMU. Since Zotero is free and open source, you will even be able to keep using it after you graduate. 

The short videos below will walk you through how to use the tool. The links in the Instructions for Zotero box provide additional information on some of the most useful features of Zotero. If you need help with any of it, please contact a science librarian. All of their contact info is on the Start page of this guide.

How to Create Group Libraries and Save Literature in Zotero

How to Create Bibliographies in Zotero

Instructions For Zotero