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Technology Lending

Microphones, recorders, projector/screen, cameras 
(IDeATe lending office, Hunt Library, Level A)

AirTurn Wireless foot pedals, headphones, iPads, chargers 
(Hunt Library, 1st floor)

New Music News & Radio

I CARE IF YOU LISTEN is an award-winning multimedia hub for living music creators.

BBC Radio 3 - Night Tracks is an adventurous, immersive soundtrack for late-night listening, from classical to contemporary and everything in between. Hosted by Sara Mohr-Pietsch and Hannah Peel.

New Sounds is New York Public Radio’s home for the musically curious. Free your listening from the limits of genre and algorithm.


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CMU Library Catalog

Worldcat (FirstSearch interface through University Libraries)
Note that results may differ between this interface and the free version below. I find the FirstSearch interface results to be more comprehensive, but feel free to search both and use what works best for you. (free version)

Oxford Music Online (includes Grove Music Online)

Oxford Art Online
If your topic crosses over into art you may want to search Oxford Art Online as well. I noticed there is an article for John Cage in both Oxford Art and Oxford Music. The content differs enough that depending on your focus one might be better than the other for your topic. There is also an article on 'music and art' in Oxford Art but there isn't a comparable article in Oxford Music. There is an article in Oxford Music for Impressionism that could be useful if you're more interested in composers who contributed to that movement.

Music Index with Full Text
Citations and some full text of articles about classical and popular music, musicians, and the music industry for more than 475 periodicals, as well as book reviews, obituaries, news, and selective coverage for more than 230 periodicals. Covers 1970-present.

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
A comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes. It covers over one million publications from around the world on traditional music, popular music, classical music, and related subjects. Coverage begins in the early 19th century and extends to the present.

Writing & Citing Your Sources

Writing Help 

Citing Your Sources


Unlocking the Digital Age: The Musician's Guide to Research, Copyright, and Publishing (2024) by Kathleen DeLaurenti and Andrea I. Copland. Kathleen DeLaurenti is a CMU School of Music alum. 

Research Your Topic

Background Information


Music Manuscripts

RISM: The online catalog contains over 1,500,000 entries, mainly sources from between the years 1600 and 1850. They also have printed music up to 1945 (e.g. music by Florence Price and William Grant Still). They have manuscripts from all time periods and are adding more 19th and 20th century sources. You can also browse by country/nationality. 

Bibliographies & Handbooks

Browse the ML128 and ML134 STACKS-4 sections in Hunt Library

Try an Advanced Search with the term bibliography as a Subject and the composer's name or topic (e.g. chamber music) in All Fields

History of Music

World History

Music Chronologies

Browse these titles in the Arts Reference area (4th floor of Hunt Library)

Library Catalogs

Journal Articles

Music Analysis

Diamond, Harold J. Music Analyses: An Annotated Guide to the Literature
FA-REF4 ML128 .A7 D5 1991  (Reference Book, Hunt Library 4th flloor) 

Hoek, D.J. Analyses of Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Music, 1940-2000
FA-REF4 ML113 .N695 2007 (Reference Book, Hunt Library 4th flloor)

Music Careers


Music Collection

Music materials are located on the 4th floor of Hunt Library. There are approximately 18,000 music books, 19,000 music scores, 13,000 LPs, 9,700 CDs, and 80 journal titles.


Music & Catalog Librarian

Profile Photo
Kristin Heath
Hunt Library

4th Floor, Room 410C

Subjects: Music